unfortunately there are very few outside pix due to the snow-storm ;)
It was an enjoyable and informative week at the Doral Golf Resort in Miami. There is a lot of movement in the company and many changes happening, but I believe most of them going into the right direction.
Focus will be on the customer and their business needs in 2009. In times of economical downturn, there is no demand for long term strategical SOA projects. It's about the current issues and how to solve them quickly and most efficient.
I think Progress Software is very well equipped with its current set of products and solutions to help getting SOA up and running and deliver on its promises quickly.
Coming back to Switzerland is a (temperature) shock. This morning we are completely snowed in. I decided to work from home as it took me 25 mins to get to the next small town (about 3km)...
Took a day off for my birthday next Friday. Planning to go to the Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe :)
Let's hope the weather get's a little better until then...
added a Disby chat widget - the web 2.0 at its best...
Check out the Multi-Protocol IM and SN-Client at http://www.digsby.com/ !
The Power-Messaging course last week really helped me to better prepare and focus my presentations to the customer needs!
The workshop showed all the different techniques that are available and gives some insights into the listeners mind (e.g. they will only remember 20% of the main/middle part of the presentation).
Combined with Toastmasters I think this could be a perfect preparation to become a good speaker. I will definitely try to use this in my future presentations...
preparing the Power Messaging course next week in London... really good stuff in there!
It's all about the psychology of selling and the techniques to leverage it.
will stay in Munich next week and organize the move - lots of contracts to quit and letters to send :)
The hotel in Zufikon I stayed in was not the very best (pretty loud and old) but the food was extremely good.
had a busy but successful week and a great start into the new job.
Driving back to Munich later today - need to return all my stuff from the old company tomorrow.
We settled the new apartment and made progress with the moving planning. So if everything goes right, we will be leaving Germany earlier than expected - which is good :)
if the resolution would be higher, you could see the Alps in the background...
...36km through the local forests. Unfortunately my bottom bracket is gone, so I need to replace that asap!
The iPhone is a good tool to keep track on where you're going when there are no signs around :)
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