Tuesday, December 11, 2012

TOGAF 9 Certified


It’s official now -  I passed the exam and are allowed to carry the TOGAF 9 Certified logo!

It was quite some work to prepare for the exam and took much longer than expected, but I learned a lot about Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF as a framework and method for establishing an EA capability and doing actually architecture work.

Now I feel much more confortable discussing Enterprise Architectures with customers and can better position our solutions and products into existing environments.

I gotta look for some new goal, though…

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Premium products and premium service


We are finally fixing our chairs from the dining table…

I am positive surprised that Rolf Benz actually sent us a set of replacement parts at no cost.
Sometimes premium products also have premium service – great! This feels a little like getting an iPad or iPhone repaired at Apple.

From a customer retention perspective this works out very well. I would always recommend Rolf Benz products after this positive experience…